Not only do we supply products but, Light Center also offers the support of our highly qualified staff who help clients and professionals during the designing phase and, if necessary, give advise about illuminating engineering, thanks to our advanced software. Here at Light Center we care about the environment and we pay specific attention to every aspect that can help protect it. Energy saving, in particular, pushes the company to find and try new technologies and sources of lights; LED technology, for example, can be used for both residential and street lighting.
Light Center is certainly a reference point when it comes to selling lighting products of the best national and international brands. Inside our modern and stylish showroom, we exhibit a large number of products such as: wall/ceiling recessed luminaires, floor and table lamps, wall or ceiling sconcesand pendant lamps, both for inside and outside lighting.
Following an initial assessment of the spaces to be illuminated, we develop the concept of the project by identifying solutions to best enhance the architecture, furnishings and surrounding space.
We design accurate projects, indicating products and light sources that best respond to the needs of our clients; once this phase is over we offer a free estimate of the project.
We create project drawings where we indicate the prices, the position of the lights and the best way to install them, in order to help and guide the construction workers.
We make advanced calculations using an extensive photometric database, which helps us simulate any kind of light source and lighting. We also offer our clients a 3D simulation of the space we want to light up, in order to show them in advance the results of the project.
Our staff is always available to make on-site inspections in Italy or abroad, on construction sites or to take a look at pre-existing buildings. On-site inspections help us evaluate the building and the presence of natural light, and understand how we can light up and highlight the architecture and make the best use of our products.
Due to the increasing spread of home automation systems in homes and public buildings, we are able to offer innovative solutions for the control of lighting systems, such as applications for smartphones, touch screen, control units of fixtures.
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