The project studied the philosophy of b & b in depth, transferring it to the world of 4-star hotels "- explains Alessandro Cavaliere, owner of Alpissima Mountain Hotels, in the Aosta Valley. To achieve this goal, the new Omama concept was founded and developed on 3 central elements: Freedom, Sharing, Technology. A cosmopolitan place, conceived to be experienced not only by tourists, but also by the Aostans to the same extent. Pop in the sense of popular, social in its authentic meaning of relational sharing ".
The soul of the restyling is Fabio Alba, who reconfirms the full harmony of ideas, styles and objectives with Cavaliere: "The idea - explains the architect - was to transform the common areas using all the natural light and the views, remodeling the spaces so that they would look at the local market and vice versa, as if to bring in its colors, which is why the furnishings are colorful in bright colors ".
The contemporary interior design blends with the works of Chicco Margaroli, wonderful author of the artistic part of the project: everywhere there is a succession of figures, furnishing accessories with a visual impact, unconventional lighting, fabrics with colored patterns, such as those that they run from the head of the bed to the ceiling.
Light Center fits into this magical world with simple lighting, with geometric but original lines, with the precious collaboration of the Aimar Matteo company for the assembly and electrical systems.
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